Saturday, December 21, 2013


'Tis the season to be jolly.  The only reason for the existence of this line is that jolly rhymes with holly (forget folly).  

Christmas is the season when feelings other than jolly can present themselves.  In the midst of all the business, the ghosts of Christmases past often appear in our consciousness.  Charles Dickens has written a masterful tale about Christmas and transformation in "A Christmas Carol".  We are able to identify with many of his characters…and realize there is a little Scrooge in all of us.

Admitting this allows our dark side to float up in times of fatigue.  Irritability grabs us while compulsively shopping for food or gifts, standing in mail lines, endlessly decorating the house or making arrangements for meals and festivities. Let the feelings surface, be sad, give way to a regret or two, make friends with the ghosts. After acknowledging this, like Scrooge, we can let go of Bah Humbug and jolly up.

It will be time then to light the lights, give away a smile or a hug, dip a finger in the eggnog, and if you can, have a dickens of a time.